YOU FOUND IT. Whether this is your first dog training experience or your last - you will carry the knowledge you learn here for the rest of your life.

I will provide you with a unique and personal coaching experience designed for your dog - that is clear and effective. Working one-on-one with Coach Ariel will help you achieve the level of training you desire.


- Basic -

Dog Obedience Level I

Training plans designed for owners beginning canine education. All breeds welcome. Ages 12 weeks and older.

Everything you need to know to be the best dog owner you can be and develop a well-behaved and obedient dog. Owners are present for training. 1-2 sessions per week.

Topics may include skills such as:

Training theory, developing and maintaining good leadership, creating a training foundation with your dog, beginning human/dog communication, understanding body language, basic engagement and focus, eye contact, marker training, name response, sit, lay down, coming when called, learning to relax, manners for visitors, go to your bed/crate, leash walking skills, handler control and technique, hand signals and movements, tricks & games, etc.

Lecture + Training Foundations + Basic Obedience Coursework + Basic Certificate

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- Intermediate -

Dog Obedience Level II

Training plans designed for owners interested in beginning to train away from the home. Dogs age 4 months or older.

Must Complete Basic Training (6 sessions MINIMUM) prior to Intermediate Training and get approval from the trainer to move onto intermediate level obedience. Owners and their dogs must be able to successfully perform the skills they learned in Basic together. Owners do not have to be enrolled in sessions while working towards the next level. Regular practice IS required. This course is personalized for each individual dog and their owners.

Topics may include: Increased 3D’s, stay, wait, go to your bed/place, leave-it, targeting, positions, increased dog/owner engagement, dynamic commands, proofing, tricks, games, training sessions away from the home including outdoors, etc.

Lecture + Intermediate Obedience Coursework + Intermediate Certificate

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- Advanced -

Dog Obedience Level III

Training plans designed for high performing dogs & motivated & consistent owners. Dogs age 1 year or older.

Must complete Basic and Intermediate Training and get approval from the trainer to move onto advanced level obedience. Owners and their dogs must be able to successfully perform the skills they learned in Basic and Intermediate together. Training a dog to this level of obedience can take years of hands on practice with your dog. Owners do not have to be enrolled in sessions while working towards DTL-III. Regular practice IS required.

Topics may include: High levels of 3D’s primarily focused on distraction and distance, training outdoors in busy public areas, heeling, working around other dogs and people, off-leash skills, therapy dog skills, training in hardware stores, shopping centers, crowds, along the coast, etc. and lot more.

Lecture + Advanced Obedience Coursework + Advanced Certificate

How Much Does In-Person, Private Training Cost?

In-Person Sessions Range from $150-$250 per session based on the dog and clients needs and your location.

Please see our service area for more information on pricing.

How many sessions will my dog need?

The number of sessions are dependent on both the dog & owners learning abilities.

Developing owners and dogs basic skills often ranges between 6-12 sessions per dog.

More sessions are needed to address behavioral issues. (See below for list)

The number of sessions required to reach intermediate and advanced levels are dependent on your goals.

Read more FAQs here.

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First begin with a Phone Consultation.

Cost: FREE

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Personalized Behavioral Plan created by a professional trainer.

Includes issues concerning:


  • Aggression
  • Fear
  • Frustration
  • Reactivity
  • Anxiety/Stress
  • Separation Anxiety
  • Resource Guarding
  • Destruction
  • Defecation/Urination
  • Overstimilation
  • Tail Chasing
  • Possession
  • Food/Toy Issues
  • Obsessive Compulsiveness

- Accepted on a Case-by-Case Basis -


Behavioral Concentration Plan


Let’s Meet!

Sit down with a dog training professional in your own home and discuss the possibilities for you and your dog.

The In-Home Evaluation is a more in-depth discussion about your desires, your dogs history, and what to expect once we begin training together. Get your questions answered and begin setting goals with a personal coach.

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Check out Clients Personal Experiences!

“She really helped us with basic obedience and showed us how to build upon that to have a calmer household and relationship with our puppy. Her training techniques completely changed things for the better in our house, and she made it seem so easy for us!”
— Lisa C.
“Ariel is very knowledgeable and helpful. She demonstrates the training techniques well and explains the purpose of it too. Ariel is honest and professional in what she does and works well with the family. What I find most impressive is how she quickly response to my text messages when I have questions or difficulty with our dog lessons that we just learned. She is available via text throughout the week and in between the lessons. Ariel provides practical and creative solutions for our dog issues. She is a pleasure to work with and creates the lessons plan specific to the dog and family needs.”
— Katherine V.


Training made available to every dog, everywhere.