Phone Consultation

During the Phone Consultation you speak with the trainer, personally. We discuss your current situation and what you hope to accomplish with training. For those who like to prepare ahead of time, additional topics and questions covered during the call are listed below. This information gathered during your phone consultation will help the trainer determine the best place for you and your dog to begin.

  1. Describe your home environment.

  2. Who lives in the household? Include all humans and animals.

  3. Details about your interest in training and why your inquiry was made.

  4. What you would like the trainer to know about your situation.

  5. Questions you have about the evaluation, training process, costs, training plans, payment, etc.

  6. Be ready to schedule the in-home evaluation if you plan to do so. (Date(s)/time(s) availability)

  7. Determine your availability for training sessions

    (Training Hours: Monday-Friday, Hours: 8am-8pm)

  8. Receive information about the next step, the in-home evaluation.

  9. Receive instructions for multiple dog households.

Visit the Frequently Asked Questions page for more information
