Available and affordable to everyone!


Join us for Canine Coach Team Walks!

Team Walks are open to all dogs and their owners regardless of whether you have trained with Canine Coach. This is a great opportunity to practice your handling skills and expose your dog to other dogs in a structured setting.

Team Walks are lead by Ariel Santa Maria, the founder and trainer of Canine Coach.

Come out and introduce yourself!

We start each walk by meeting at the specified location. There, we will introduce ourselves and go over the Team Rules (see below) before walking together through beautiful San Diego County! Each walk will be approximately 1 hour unless another time is specified.

After the walk, we will spend 15-30 minutes in an open space area where we will allow the dogs to potty before a relax and decompress session. This is a great time to practice sit-stay, and down-stay if they are ready for it!

Coach Ariel will be available during the R&D session to answer your questions before formally concluding the event.



Donations to continue supporting the walks are welcome and appreciated

($5-25 donation suggested)

Team Walk Rules

  1. Dogs must remain ON-LEASH during the entire duration of the event. Handlers should maintain a 3 foot lead and try to stay in single file. Please no retractable or bungee leashes.

    2. Dog greetings are NOT permitted during the walk or the decompression period. This event gives everyone the opportunity to expose their dog to other dogs in a structured setting.

    3. If you decide to stay after the trainer formally concludes the event, make sure to ask permission from other dog owners before allowing dogs to interact.

    4. Maintain a 6 foot distance from dogs at all times to avoid nose-to-nose, or nose-to-tail interactions. Please help us maintain this level of trust with one another and with your dog.

    5.) Since we are out in public spaces, be aware of others movements, as well as your dogs. HUMANS have the right away when we are in public spaces. Give those we pass ample space by shifting to the side when passing by. Lead by example for your dog, and others following behind you.

    6.) Bring water, poop bags, and treats. Prevent dogs from marking or pottying in inappropriate places. Choose suitable areas and allow them to go there. Always clean up after your dog.

How to prepare for the Team Walk

  • We encourage you to bring treats to use at this time as well as during the walk.

  • Check the weather prior to the Team Walk and make sure to bring water for yourself and your dog.

  • Closed toed shoes, and athletic attire is encouraged for this event. We try to keep a consistent speed but be prepared to walk slower or faster depending on the meeting location and number of atendees.

  • Feel free to pull off to the side and let others pass at any time. You and your dog do not need to stay with the group if it is not what is best for them at any time. We encourage you to advocate for your dog.

  • If your dog is stressed, anxious, or excitable around other dogs, we recommend you skip the Team Walk for now and see our private training page or other services.

Keep a lookout here for upcoming dates here



Donations to continue supporting the walks are welcome and appreciated

($5-25 donation suggested)