Getting Started
Phone Consultation
All potential clients begin with a phone consultation. During the consultation you will speak with the Canine Coach personally about your current situation and what you would like to accomplish with training. You will also receive information on what you will need to get started and schedule your in-home evaluation. Find out here what you will need during the phone consultation and be on the ball ahead of time.
Let’s Meet!
Schedule an Obedience
or Behavioral Evaluation
A more in-depth opportunity for communication with a professional trainer. We will discuss the history of you and your dog, your family, your present situation and get your questions answered as you begin to learn how to reach your goals. If you are accepted to the team, you can schedule your first training session with the Canine Coach at the end of the evaluation.
The trainer will determine whether you will need an obedience evaluation or a behavioral evaluation during the phone consultation.
Let’s get the ball rolling!
Schedule your first session and let’s get started making lasting changes.