What is the In-Home Evaluation?
Every new client planning to train in-person or apply for our Board & Train programs begins with an in-home evaluation. During this meeting, the trainer visits your home and assesses your current situation. This is the initial meeting and an opportunity to learn a lot about your dog from a professional trainer. It’s also a great time to ask questions! There are two evaluation types: an obedience training evaluation or a behavioral training evaluation.
Do I need the Obedience Evaluation OR the Behavioral Evaluation?
The trainer will decide whether you will need an obedience evaluation or a behavioral evaluation during your initial phone consultation. This is dependent on your current situation as well as your dogs behaviors. If you have questions about this before scheduling your in-home evaluation, please ask the trainer.
The Obedience Evaluation
This evaluation focuses on behaviors such as:
- Jumping
- Digging
- Chewing
- Begging
- Demanding
- Whining
- Barking
- Not Responding to their Name
- Not Coming when Called
- Leash Pulling
- Door Bolting
- Barking at the Door
- Over-Excitement
- Potty Training
The Behavioral Evaluation
The behavioral evaluation is a more in-depth evaluation for issues concerning fears, frustration, aggression, anxiety, destruction, urination/defecation, over-stimulation, tail-chasing, excessive chewing, obsessive compulsive behaviors, food issues, resource guarding and reactivity. This is determined by the trainer. This is assessment of your current situation from a professional trainer. It is an opportunity to learn about your dog as well as have your questions answered.
- Reactivity
- Fear
- Excessive Frustration
- Aggression
- Separation Anxiety
- Human Aggression
- Dog Aggression
- Anxiety
- Excessive Vocalizations
- Potty Issues
in-Home Evaluation Cost
1 Hour
Both evaluations include an assessment from a professional trainer. Payment for evaluations are non-refundable, whether you and your dog move forward with training or not. Not all cases are accepted. If you are accepted, you can schedule your first training session right away. Owners interested in the Board & Train program will be provided with an application.
Homes With Multiple Dogs
Families with multiple dog households require a behavioral consultation with all pets. There is an additional cost of $25/per dog. This is necessary for an effective big-picture approach and helps the trainer to understand your pack dynamics in your household. This helps the trainer to fully assess your situation. Families only planning to train one pet in the household should mention this during the phone consultation and may be granted a single dog evaluation.
Who should be present for the In-Home Evaluation?
It is recommend that every adult who lives in the household is present but it is not required. Older Children may also be involved in the training but children under 10 years old are not commonly involved until after training begins.
What do I need to do to prepare for the In-Home Evaluation?
The trainer will give you instructions during your phone consultation or in a follow-up message to make sure you are prepared.